Thursday, March 5, 2009

Narrative idea + possible job idea's

So Terry wanted us to put our idea's for our narrative up on our blog so here's mine.
In 1 sentence mine's about an artist who goes on a journey with her character through her imagination. It's ABOUT the connection artists form with their characters they create within their minds.

The fleshed out versions is an artist (her names Dabby) gets pulled into her drawing by her character (called Layton). Layton tells Dabby to follow him and he leads her into a forest which turns into a market place. He's so excited that she's in the drawing with him that he starts to take her to her favourite places like a fountain or a cliff top (this might not happy due to time though) The last place Layton takes her is a fruit stall and gives Dabby an apple which she takes a bit of. The owner of the stall see her eating the apple and starts yelling at then for not paying then proceeds to call a guard. The guard chases the two down the street and up to the roof tops (like in aladin). While they're on the roof tops a hot air balloon goes past (I'll show balloons in the sky in other scenes so that it doesn't look like it's just appeared). Layton jumps into the balloon and tells Dabby to do the same. She jumps but miss's the edge of the basket but Layton catches her and pulls her up. The two go floating up to a hole in the sky where Dabby orginally came from. When they get close to it Layton pushes Dabby up into the hole. She climbes through to the other side which is her room again and the picture she was drawing before hand has now changed to Layton waving goodbye from the balloon basket.

So that's the idea for terry's narrative assignment and possibly my end of year animation....i'll see how it turns out in the story boards.

On another subject, I've been thinking about what im gonna do after this course. If i do the above story for my animation then it's not gonna get me a job and im fine with that cause I realised that I dont necessarily need to get a job doing animation. Truth be told im still not 100% sure if i do want to do aniamtion for a living (oh god, please no one hurt me for saying that!!). But don't get the impression that im not willing to work hard to make my aniamtion spectacular cause i am. I just feel like somethings missing, like a little spark that changes animation from something i like to something i seriously love. I've never had the urge to go home and do more animation and I don't know if that has something to do with my generation or me as a person.

Now I know that this is an animation course and we're spose to be leaving it wanting to get jobs in the doing animation but it dawned on me the other day that there's other that i could do like story boarding or character design. Actually i really enjoy doing both of those. Thinking of stories, fleshing out the plot and how it's all going to pan out is something i love doing. I also love inventing characters and what their personalities are, how they dress, think, act etc. It's just so much fun! And finding new ways to draw, I'm always finding new styles of drawings so I can widen my abilites.
So I'm thinkin about researching what I have to do to be a story board artist or character designer. This way I'll have more options as to what I want to do after this year :)


Frank said...

Hi Dana

Is the story bound to a musical score?

I like the theme: girl meets unobtainable boy, visits a 'world' and situations that are alien and challenging, they part not really knowing each other but having made a connection.

It reads like a romance to me.

Put in a lot of effort on your storyboard. As much effort as it being the piece of work that you will be using for a job application.

Read everything on Karen J Lloyd's blog about storyboarding (find the link of the ARC).

I'll be interested to see how you plan out the time allocations to create this story in an animatic.

The animation course has many possible paths at the end. Your description leans toward what is called in the industry,"a generalist".

Making animation fascinates some craftspeople more than others and they just can't get enough of doing it to explore what seems like magic. Those animators go to bed at night wishing it was morning so they can keep working on their animation.

Other animators find out they are story tellers or film makers (Steve Baker), or comic book artists. Some return to illustration. They go to bed at night wishing it was morning to keep working on their script, storyboard, layouts, character design, comic book, animated web site...

This course exposes students to many aspects of the craft and builds many basic skills. When a student finds a passion, it's up to the student to build on it, communicate to their teachers (as you have), to make opportunities happen.

Ian can give you a clearer idea about the employment prospects for animation and associated crafts, such as employment for character designers. He told my year pretty straight that the character designers, are the ones who got themselves into the system wherever there was an opportunity to work. Those jobs just aren't advertised. Some started as inbetweeners and kept improving their skills while working and then eventually got a chance from within the studio system to have a crack at character design.

No matter what it is you are drawn to, the work you produce in the final year of your course should be driven by passion and an eye to the fact that the work has to be the best quality you can produce as any of the careers out there are in a highly competitive market.

I think, I strongly recommend actually you make an appointment to chat with Jane about your thoughts. Jane has a wonderful broad view of the craft and skills you are learning.

With me it will be animation, animation and animation :) I'll help you build a solid safety net of animation skills just in case.

Dana said...

Thanks frank.
I've subscribed to Karen J Lloyd's blog so that I can be updated :)
And yeah the story is to the song I got permission to use, sorry I forgot to mention that.

Your right about the story being a romance. Even though I'm not a romantic person, I like stories taht warm your heart ^__^